Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grapefruit diaries 3-28

Conversations with myself (~) and my mind (oo) while preparing breakfast

oo- The last two slices of bread are three times thinner than the first two slices.

~ What's that supposed to be? An old Irish saying?

oo- Nah. Just something I've noticed. The last stick of butter last ten times longer than the first stick.

~ You're saying all this because we ran out of milk yesterday.

oo- No, I'm trying to make a point. You almost threw out the rest of the soup on Friday. You didn't. So today we have soup.

~ That sounds Russian somehow.

oo- I don't think you are listening.

~ I know what you are saying. Cue Joni "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

oo- Not really. It's different than that.

~ How?

oo- Well, to put it bluntly. I know what we've got, but I can't get you to pay attention.

~ You see? That would be difficult to put into a song.

oo- Okay. So, today I'm the serious one and you're the flibbertigibbet.

~ I'll bet you ten miles that Spellcheck hasn't a clue what that word is.

oo- Not going to change anything until you begin to pay attention, to be aware.

~ I'll bet that word hasn't been used by anyone in ---

oo - How are you enjoying your black coffee?

~ It's fine. It's the way I'm supposed to be drinking it, right?

oo - I see you saved one slice of bread for lunch too.

~ I don't think I see this side of you enough.

oo- Oh, yes. Definitely my fault. Definitely. (sigh)

~ Ok.OK. I've got it. More awareness on my part, sharing with you, letting you know how it is out here in reality.

oo- That'll be fun. Joyful.

~ Less Irish, that's for sure.
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